Basic Clearing


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Basic SRT Clearing

A Basic Clearing – a check for Grounding, Chakras, Portals, Earth bounds, Cords, interdimensional parasites, etheric body cleanse, implants and entities.

  • Release Negative Attachments: Clear energetic attachments, entities, and influences that may be draining your vitality or causing disturbances in your life.
  • Resolve Past Traumas: Heal unresolved traumas and emotional wounds from past experiences that are affecting your present well-being.
  • Restore Energetic Balance: Harmonize your energy field and chakras to promote overall balance, vitality, and well-being on all levels.
  • Clear Unwanted Energies: Remove stagnant or unwanted energies that may be blocking your spiritual growth and evolution.
  • Reclaim Personal Power: Empower yourself by releasing patterns of victimhood and reclaiming sovereignty over your energy and life path.