Comprehensive Clearing


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Comprehensive Clearing

A Comprehensive Clearing – including information about life purpose, advice and aftercare measures from guides for continued health and spiritual wellbeing.

  • Enhance Spiritual Protection: Strengthen your energetic boundaries and aura to shield yourself from negative influences and psychic intrusions.
  • Support Spiritual Awakening: Navigate the challenges of spiritual awakening with support and guidance as you integrate higher frequencies of energy and consciousness.
  • Release Ancestral Patterns: Release ancestral patterns, vows, and contracts that no longer serve your highest good, freeing yourself from generational patterns of limitation.
  • Facilitate Soul Retrieval: Retrieve lost or fragmented aspects of your soul, restoring wholeness and integration on a deep soul level.
  • Experience Inner Peace: Cultivate a sense of inner peace, clarity, and empowerment as you release what no longer serves you and align with your true essence and purpose.